Technology Services

Information Technology

The Kent ISD IT department provides technical support at all Kent ISD campuses, satellite locations, and in Region 1 school districts including Comstock Park, Kent City, and Sparta. In addition, we support several area Public School Academies. We also offer technical consulting and services to other member districts upon request.

Help Desk

The IT Department uses an online help system to log, prioritize, and assign help requests for technical support. Our technicians strive to provide excellent service to you, our customers. To request technical assistance, the following options are available:

  • Send an email to the help desk  - be sure to include all important details, your location, and phone number

You will receive an email confirmation within an hour that provides the technician's name assigned to your request and the estimated completion time. The Help Desk is available Mon-Fri from 7:00-4:30. After-hour requests are processed the next business day.

Data Services

Our School Data (OSD) was developed by Kent ISD to provide a comprehensive data warehouse solution to several ISDs across Michigan.  Data warehousing is a valuable, proven approach to providing educators at all levels of an organization with the information they need to make high-impact decisions.

Information Systems

The Information Systems team provides support for many applications, including PowerSchool, Microsoft SQL server, MIPSE and several custom applications.  Our successes are hosting PowerSchool services for 5 LEA districts in addition to county LISTSERVs. The Information Systems team hosts quarterly user group meetings and workshops for our group members. We also facilitate the information exchange between the ISD and sending school districts.

  • PowerSchool SIS Support
  • PowerSchool SIS Training
  • Online Enrollment
  • Bright Arrow
  • Pupil Accounting
  • MiDataHub
  • Bright Arrow Notifications
  • MiDataHub Support
  • Pupil Accounting Support
  • PowerSchool SIS Customization Services
  • Sql Report Creation
  • PowerSchool SIS Implementation Support

Assistant Superintendent of Technology Services
Glen Finkel